HELPP!!!!! 40 pnt!!!!! lo giuro!!!!?
2008-12-12 08:24:30 UTC
per i 40 punti ve lo dirò al momento di scegliere la miglior risposta ma ve lo giuro sulla mia vita ke ve li do.
potreste tradurmi qst pezzo?? sono nella mer*da fino al collo graz!!!

Il tenente Pete "Maverick" Mitchell (Tom Cruise) ed il sottotenente Nick "Goose" Bradshaw (Anthony Edwards) sono piloti di caccia della Marina degli Stati Uniti, impiegati sulla portaerei Enterprise. Durante un normale volo di pattuglia insieme a Cougar e Merlin (i migliori aviatori imbarcati sull'Enterprise), intercettano il segnale di un velivolo "fuori rotta" che si rivela essere una coppia di MiG-28 sovietici. Nell'incontro con i due MiG Cougar rimane scosso al punto da rassegnare le dimissioni. Maverick e Goose vengono quindi mandati al posto di Cougar e Merlin alla scuola Top Gun, dove vengono insegnate manovre di combattimento aereo al massimo livello, dopo che l'introduzione dei missili guidati aveva indebolito le capacità dei piloti.
Al programma partecipa anche una civile, nome in codice Charlie (Kelly McGillis), un'astrofisica che fa da consulente al programma di addestramento. Charlie viene a sapere che Maverick è l'unico pilota ad aver visto da vicino il MiG-28, e che conosce dati di volo a lei sconosciuti. Così, mentre cerca di avvicinarlo per conoscere il più possibile sulla vicenda, tra i due sboccia una reciproca attrazione che li porterà ad intrecciare una romantica relazione amorosa.
Nel frattempo Maverick vola come un vero pirata dell'aria, con un'inquietudine forse derivante dal fatto che è all'oscuro delle circostanze in cui è scomparso suo padre in Vietnam: cerca di andare sempre al limite delle regole e della sicurezza, mettendo in pericolo se stesso e i suoi compagni. Il glaciale e infallibile Iceman (Val Kilmer), intanto, guida la classifica come miglior pilota.
Durante un volo in coppia con Iceman, Maverick finisce col suo aereo nella scia di quello dell'amico-rivale causando lo spegnimento di entrambi i motori. L'avvitamento che segue costringe il protagonista e Goose ad eiettarsi dal velivolo: Goose muore urtando la calotta del suo F-14 tomcat; Maverick, disperato, non è più lo stesso e non riesce ad accettare la morte del suo compagno.
Il giorno della premiazione, Maverick riceve il brevetto Top Gun insieme agli ordini di convocazione d'urgenza sull'Enterprise per fronteggiare un'emergenza. Lui, Iceman e Hollywood dovranno aiutare a dare copertura aerea ad una nave rimasta in panne in acque nemiche. Segue un conflitto aereo in cui i MiG-28 sembrano avere la meglio. Maverick a quel punto viene lanciato come aereo di supporto, e dopo una lunga esitazione ingaggia battaglia come un vero asso costringendo i piloti russi a ritirarsi. Maverick riceve il plauso dei compagni sul ponte di volo della nave. Poi guardando il tramonto, getta le piastrine di Goose nell'oceano come definitivo commiato al compagno morto. Ritornato in veste di istruttore alla scuola Top Gun, incontra Charlie nel locale dove i due si erano innamorati.
Nove risposte:
2008-12-12 08:29:38 UTC
Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell (Tom Cruise) and the lieutenant Nick "Goose" Bradshaw (Anthony Edwards) are fighter pilots of the Navy of the United States, used the aircraft carrier Enterprise. During a normal flight on patrol along with Cougar and Merlin (the best airmen aboard sull'Enterprise), intercept the signal of an airplane "off course" that proves to be a pair of Soviet MiG-28. In his meeting with the two MiG Cougar remains shaken as to resign. Maverick and Goose are then sent to the place of Cougar and Merlin the Top Gun school, where they are taught aerial combat maneuvers at the highest level, after the introduction of guided missiles had weakened the ability of pilots.

The Program is also a civilian, code named Charlie (Kelly McGillis), un'astrofisica that acts as a consultant to the training program. Charlie comes to know that Maverick is the only driver to have seen from near the MiG-28, and who knows flight data unknown to her. Thus, while trying to bring it closer to knowing as much as possible on each other, between the two springs a mutual attraction that will bring them to weave a romantic loving relationship.

Meanwhile Maverick flies like a real pirate air, with un'inquietudine perhaps resulting from the fact that it is unaware of the circumstances in which his father died in Vietnam trying to go to the limit of the rules and safety, putting in endangered himself and his companions. The glacial and infallible Iceman (Val Kilmer), meanwhile, leads the best pilot.

During a flight in pairs with Iceman, Maverick ends with his plane in the wake of what's rival-causing shutdown of both engines. The following screwing forces the protagonist and Goose for ejection from the airplane: Goose dies urtando the cap of its F-14 tomcat, Maverick, desperate, it is no longer the same and fails to accept the death of his companion.

The day of ceremony, Maverick receives a patent set to Top Gun orders sull'Enterprise an emergency meeting to address an emergency. He, Iceman and Hollywood will help to give air cover to a ship was broken in enemy waters. Following a conflict in which the plane MiG-28 appear to be better. Maverick then be launched as air support, and after a long battle hesitation signs as a true ace pilots forcing Russians to withdraw. Maverick receives the applause of comrades on the flight deck of the ship. Then watching the sunset, casting the blood platelets of the ocean as Goose final respects to the dead comrade. Returned as an instructor at the Top Gun school, Charlie meets in the room where the two were lovers

ecco a te!!spero ke ti sia stata di aiuto!!! vuoi altro aiuto basta kiedere
2008-12-12 17:29:45 UTC
due punti li prendo ora.

gli altri 38 li aspetto serenamente.

nel frattempo, mi pare evidente che io debba quotare Simo.

2008-12-12 17:20:34 UTC
Olla peppina addirittura 40 punti?
2008-12-12 16:59:25 UTC
Certo che l'hanno fatto con il traduttore, non vedi che sono tutte uguali? Un brano così non si traduce in 4 minuti.
Guerriero Calvo
2008-12-12 16:33:36 UTC

Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell (Tom Cruise) and the lieutenant Nick "Goose" Bradshaw (Anthony Edwards) are fighter pilots of the Navy of the United States, used the aircraft carrier Enterprise. During a normal flight on patrol along with Cougar and Merlin (the best airmen aboard sull'Enterprise), intercept the signal of an airplane "off course" that proves to be a pair of Soviet MiG-28. In his meeting with the two MiG Cougar remains shaken as to resign. Maverick and Goose are then sent to the place of Cougar and Merlin the Top Gun school, where they are taught aerial combat maneuvers at the highest level, after the introduction of guided missiles had weakened the ability of pilots.

The Program is also a civilian, code named Charlie (Kelly McGillis), un'astrofisica that acts as a consultant to the training program. Charlie comes to know that Maverick is the only driver to have seen from near the MiG-28, and who knows flight data unknown to her. Thus, while trying to bring it closer to knowing as much as possible on each other, between the two springs a mutual attraction that will bring them to weave a romantic loving relationship.

Meanwhile Maverick flies like a real pirate air, with un'inquietudine perhaps resulting from the fact that it is unaware of the circumstances in which his father died in Vietnam trying to go to the limit of the rules and safety, putting in endangered himself and his companions. The glacial and infallible Iceman (Val Kilmer), meanwhile, leads the best pilot.

During a flight in pairs with Iceman, Maverick ends with his plane in the wake of what's rival-causing shutdown of both engines. The following screwing forces the protagonist and Goose for ejection from the airplane: Goose dies urtando the cap of its F-14 tomcat, Maverick, desperate, it is no longer the same and fails to accept the death of his companion.

The day of ceremony, Maverick receives a patent set to Top Gun orders sull'Enterprise an emergency meeting to address an emergency. He, Iceman and Hollywood will help to give air cover to a ship was broken in enemy waters. Following a conflict in which the plane MiG-28 appear to be better. Maverick then be launched as air support, and after a long battle hesitation signs as a true ace pilots forcing Russians to withdraw. Maverick receives the applause of comrades on the flight deck of the ship. Then watching the sunset, casting the blood platelets of the ocean as Goose final respects to the dead comrade. Returned as an instructor at the Top Gun school, Charlie meets in the room where the two were lovers
2008-12-12 18:15:43 UTC
Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell (Tom Cruise) and the lieutenant Nick "Goose" Bradshaw (Anthony Edwards) are fighter pilots of the Navy of the United States, used the aircraft carrier Enterprise. During a normal flight on patrol along with Cougar and Merlin (the best airmen aboard sull'Enterprise), intercept the signal of an airplane "off course" that proves to be a pair of Soviet MiG-28. In his meeting with the two MiG Cougar remains shaken as to resign. Maverick and Goose are then sent to the place of Cougar and Merlin the Top Gun school, where they are taught aerial combat maneuvers at the highest level, after the introduction of guided missiles had weakened the ability of pilots.

The Program is also a civilian, code named Charlie (Kelly McGillis), un'astrofisica that acts as a consultant to the training program. Charlie comes to know that Maverick is the only driver to have seen from near the MiG-28, and who knows flight data unknown to her. Thus, while trying to bring it closer to knowing as much as possible on each other, between the two springs a mutual attraction that will bring them to weave a romantic loving relationship.

Meanwhile Maverick flies like a real pirate air, with un'inquietudine perhaps resulting from the fact that it is unaware of the circumstances in which his father died in Vietnam trying to go to the limit of the rules and safety, putting in endangered himself and his companions. The glacial and infallible Iceman (Val Kilmer), meanwhile, leads the best pilot.

During a flight in pairs with Iceman, Maverick ends with his plane in the wake of what's rival-causing shutdown of both engines. The following screwing forces the protagonist and Goose for ejection from the airplane: Goose dies urtando the cap of its F-14 tomcat, Maverick, desperate, it is no longer the same and fails to accept the death of his companion.

The day of ceremony, Maverick receives a patent set to Top Gun orders sull'Enterprise an emergency meeting to address an emergency. He, Iceman and Hollywood will help to give air cover to a ship was broken in enemy waters. Following a conflict in which the plane MiG-28 appear to be better. Maverick then be launched as air support, and after a long battle hesitation signs as a true ace pilots forcing Russians to withdraw. Maverick receives the applause of comrades on the flight deck of the ship. Then watching the sunset, casting the blood platelets of the ocean as Goose final respects to the dead comrade. Returned as an instructor at the Top Gun school, Charlie meets in the room where the two were lovers.

buona fortuna a copiare XD
2008-12-12 16:42:49 UTC
Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell (Tom Cruise) and the lieutenant Nick "Goose" Bradshaw (Anthony Edwards) are fighter pilots of the Navy of the United States, used the aircraft carrier Enterprise. During a normal flight on patrol along with Cougar and Merlin (the best airmen aboard sull'Enterprise), intercept the signal of an airplane "off course" that proves to be a pair of Soviet MiG-28. In his meeting with the two MiG Cougar remains shaken to the point of resign. Maverick and Goose are then sent to the place of Cougar and Merlin the Top Gun school, where they are taught aerial combat maneuvers at the highest level, after the introduction of guided missiles had weakened the ability of pilots.

The Program is also a civilian, code named Charlie (Kelly McGillis), un'astrofisica that acts as a consultant to the training program. Charlie comes to know that Maverick is the only driver to have seen from near the MiG-28, and who knows flight data unknown to her. Thus, while trying to bring it closer to knowing as much as possible on each other, between the two springs a mutual attraction that will bring them to weave a romantic loving relationship.

Meanwhile Maverick flies like a real pirate air, with un'inquietudine perhaps resulting from the fact that it is unaware of the circumstances in which his father died in Vietnam trying to go to the limit of the rules and safety, putting in endangered himself and his companions. The glacial and infallible Iceman (Val Kilmer), meanwhile, leads the best pilot.

During a flight in pairs with Iceman, Maverick ends with his plane in the wake of what's rival-causing shutdown of both engines. The following screwing forces the protagonist and Goose for ejection from the airplane: Goose dies urtando the cap of its F-14 tomcat, Maverick, desperate, it is no longer the same and fails to accept the death of his companion.

The day of ceremony, Maverick receives a patent set to Top Gun orders sull'Enterprise an emergency meeting to address an emergency. He, Iceman and Hollywood will help to give air cover to a ship was broken in enemy waters. Following a conflict in which the plane MiG-28 appear to be better. Maverick then be launched as air support, and after a long battle hesitation signs as a true ace pilots forcing Russians to withdraw. Maverick receives the applause of comrades on the flight deck of the ship. Then watching the sunset, casting the blood platelets of the ocean as Goose final respects to the dead comrade. Returned as an instructor at the Top Gun school, Charlie meets in the room where the two were lovers.
2008-12-12 16:30:44 UTC
Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell (Tom Cruise) and the lieutenant Nick "Goose" Bradshaw (Anthony Edwards) are fighter pilots of the Navy of the United States, used the aircraft carrier Enterprise. During a normal flight on patrol along with Cougar and Merlin (the best airmen aboard sull'Enterprise), intercept the signal of an airplane "off course" that proves to be a pair of Soviet MiG-28. In his meeting with the two MiG Cougar remains shaken as to resign. Maverick and Goose are then sent to the place of Cougar and Merlin the Top Gun school, where they are taught aerial combat maneuvers at the highest level, after the introduction of guided missiles had weakened the ability of pilots.

The Program is also a civilian, code named Charlie (Kelly McGillis), un'astrofisica that acts as a consultant to the training program. Charlie comes to know that Maverick is the only driver to have seen from near the MiG-28, and who knows flight data unknown to her. Thus, while trying to bring it closer to knowing as much as possible on each other, between the two springs a mutual attraction that will bring them to weave a romantic loving relationship.

Meanwhile Maverick flies like a real pirate air, with un'inquietudine perhaps resulting from the fact that it is unaware of the circumstances in which his father died in Vietnam trying to go to the limit of the rules and safety, putting in endangered himself and his companions. The glacial and infallible Iceman (Val Kilmer), meanwhile, leads the best pilot.

During a flight in pairs with Iceman, Maverick ends with his plane in the wake of what's rival-causing shutdown of both engines. The following screwing forces the protagonist and Goose for ejection from the airplane: Goose dies urtando the cap of its F-14 tomcat, Maverick, desperate, it is no longer the same and fails to accept the death of his companion.

The day of ceremony, Maverick receives a patent set to Top Gun orders sull'Enterprise an emergency meeting to address an emergency. He, Iceman and Hollywood will help to give air cover to a ship was broken in enemy waters. Following a conflict in which the plane MiG-28 appear to be better. Maverick then be launched as air support, and after a long battle hesitation signs as a true ace pilots forcing Russians to withdraw. Maverick receives the applause of comrades on the flight deck of the ship. Then watching the sunset, casting the blood platelets of the ocean as Goose final respects to the dead comrade. Returned as an instructor at the Top Gun school, Charlie meets in the room where the two were lovers.
2008-12-12 16:28:48 UTC
cosa bisogna fare??? cè scritto tutto in italiano comprensibile non vedo il problema...

Questo contenuto è stato originariamente pubblicato su Y! Answers, un sito di domande e risposte chiuso nel 2021.